Development for active life



We strive to create a methodology for Character development with the combination of the GRIT and Growth mindset



Phases of the project activities and straightforward work programme

Research and gather good practices

Analysing the data collected, listing the key findings to form a consolidated report and analyse the identified gaps

We will use our findings to develop a Skill Matrix for both target groups and then evaluate it in focus groups with the help of external experts

Development of the training toolkit for the trainers based on the prepared content. ToT will be supported with ready: surveys, checklists, assessment tools, feedback forms, described methodology, training plans, lessons, guidelines and other didactic tools to allow easy implementation.

Prepared methodology and training materials will be checked to educate country promoters, who will later organise pilot education phases and help in implementations. Participants will also provide feedback for improvement. S6: Pilot testing phase of teacher training.

Pilot testing phase of teacher training.

Development of online educational resources based on all prepared educational content, training and training materials. A diversity strategy will be implemented in all activities, meaning equality of genders, ethnic groups, minorities, and those learners with even less opportunity.


The target audience of our project is all young people and adults who are far from employment, without training, in social or economic difficulties, and are not motivated by the current training offers. They need to develop their employability. The training and support system that suits them must be transformed to develop intrinsic motivation and overcome difficulties.

The training pathway that we will build during this project is directly addressed to trainers who have to train people in this situation. This course will be punctuated by short, effective tools that can be adapted to the different situations encountered by trainers. Our project will therefore have a double objective:


to train trainers to accompany trainees who are far from society by using methods that develop motivation


These trainers will train their trainees in the following years by creating conditions favourable to the transformation of the trainees’ character in the face of difficulties. The participation of adults in these innovative training will increase. The courses that will be created will be innovative, as the main objective will be to develop the trainees’ soft-skills. Intrinsic motivation can be worked on thanks to an approach based on learning from cognitive and behavioural neuroscience. The course offered will be individualised, as each person has different needs. We are planning to develop additional engaging Online learning resources which will be easy to use by trainers and learners. It will work as a supportive system, which will give opportunity to learners to stay in the loop of the training, as well as helping the development of the social and emotional skills even in times of distance learning in training centres. It will contain an innovative bite-size learning module – small, self-contained information-packed, adjusted to the Millennial learning style. Learning modules typically range from 1 to 5 minutes and they include engaging, inspirational and motivational content.

GRIT Character development for active life

Our Character Development Handbook comprises six comprehensive modules, each crafted meticulously to address various character development and motivation aspects.

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Regarding the outcomes, our four project results will directly make a positive change and each of them will be translated in the partner's organisation countries

Project result 1

Gathering of good practices in partner countries for existing motivational training based on character development, the good practices will highlight and spread the best one can do to build their best motivation skill on a life-long term. Sorting out the best practices in a Booklet with 30 good techniques will enable their instant application by adult trainers.

Project result 2

Character development educational program (based on GRIT and Growth mindset methodologies) – A Competence and skills matrix as a base for the development of the motivational training program will also develop a pre-and post-assessment tool that will enable us to check the development of the motivation of the adults, as well as evaluating the piloting phase of the project. We will build up a set of measures and tools which can be used for the daily work of adult trainers for the motivation of adults.

Additionally, the training approaches will combine coaching, collaborative methods and game-based learning, which will add value to all activities built up.

Project result 3

Training toolkit for Trainers – In this PR, we will develop the training methods, individual development plans, principles, and strategies to deliver the training. This toolkit will create a clear path for adult trainers to complete the training successfully. We will create an online resource guide in the tool. The toolkit will be pilot tested in training centres, evaluation and feedback will be collected. Based on it, we will improve the developed toolkit and publish the finalised version.

Project result 4

Development of Online Educational Resource – The online educational resource will be firstly planned and structured in detail. The assessment tool developed in PR2 will be coded and digitized. The character development program’s content will be adjusted to small, bite-sized units to be used as additional motivational and educational tools. Motivational and inspirational videos will be created and implemented in the bite-sized learning module. Adult trainers will send the needed motivational, educational and inspirational materials using e-mail or push-to-phone technology (based on the individual needs of the participants during the motivational training). The training toolkit for adult trainers will also be digitized and accessible on the online educational resource platform. Translating all materials in all languages will make the eLearning platform accessible and usable for a wide range of stakeholders.

Best Practices for Character Development



Step by step GRIT and Growth mindset
This trainers guide is a complete manual which guides trainers step-by-step to animate a workshop / training session on some soft skills


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